Wednesday Nights at Bridgewood March 13-April 24

If you signed up for either the Marriage class or the Grandparenting class, you will receive a participants workbook the first night of class.
Join us for dinner at 6:00, community time in the sanctuary at 6:30, and Bible study from 6:45-8:00!

We have a great selection of Wednesday night classes for adults!

Living an “It is Finished” Life  Teacher: Gaye 

The last words Jesus spoke on the Cross were a cry of victory, “It Is Finished!”  Our debt was paid in full.  The enemy of God was defeated!  Death was defeated!  Soon The Helper – The Holy Spirit would come with power to fill us!  And the curtain to the Holy of Holies was torn so we can boldly enter the throne room of our Holy God!  We will look at how to live in His victory with power, love and grace so the world will know Him!

“His Needs, Her Needs” Marriage Class   Facilitators: Hans and Emily Albrecht

Join us for this interactive video/discussion time based on Dr. Willard Harley’s best selling book, “His Needs, Her Needs”. Dr. Harley will provide video teaching time followed by discussion by topic on the importance of spouses meeting each other’s need for honesty, affection, sex, intimate conversation, companionship, family commitment, physical attractiveness, honesty and openness, and admiration.

Grandparenting Matters

If you are a grandparent, you are uniquely positioned to influence your grandchildren.  This class will inspire and equip you to step into your role with intentionality! Through video and discussion, we will cover such topics as passing on the faith, developing character, and connecting with the heart of of your grandchildren.

Please select one option.


If you signed up for either the Marriage class or the Grandparenting class, you will receive a participants workbook the first night of class.
Join us for dinner at 6:00, community time in the sanctuary at 6:30, and Bible study from 6:45-8:00!